Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Scoop on 70%

FAQ #6 - What's the big deal about 70%?

A: If you've been following our journey for very long, you've probably heard us talk about reaching the goal of 70% of our monthly budget. So, what exactly does that mean?

As missionaries with TEAM, we are responsible for raising a set monthly budget that will provide funds for the church planting activities we will do in Italy, as well as provide for our family's living expenses on the field. So far, the Lord has provided 56% of our total budget and we are so thankful to everyone who has joined with us to get us to this point! Only 14% more and we can take some very big steps towards getting to Italy!

You may be thinking, "What's the big deal about 70%?" The 70% mark is important for several reasons!

Once we have commitments for 70% of our monthly budget, we can:
  • Rent an apartment in Italy, which has to be done BEFORE our visa applications can be submitted.
  • Begin the process of applying for our visas, which means that we can expect to depart for the field within about 6 months or so.
  • Start drawing a small salary, which will allow us to focus our attention on final preparations for departure, while still being able to provide for our family's needs here.

Since we moved out of our house, put our belongings in storage, and hit the road for the entire summer to raise support and get additional training, the reality of this call has definitely started to set in. The question is not "IF" we will get to Italy, but "WHEN". And while we know that God's timing is perfect, we also understand that we have a responsibility to inform other believers about the work the Lord is doing in Italy and invite them to be a part of it.

Right now, we are only $1,200 per month away from reaching 70%! That means it will only take 12 people committing to $100 per month (or 24 people at $50 per month) and we will have raised 70% of our budget! If we meet our goal before the end of June, we could be on the field by the end of the year! What an exciting thought!!!

So between now and the end of June, we are asking the Lord for 12-24 individuals/families who can partner with us to reach the lost in Italy. If you have already joined with us, thank you! Please pray that God would bless our efforts this summer as we travel to different churches and tell people about the work the Lord is establishing in Italy and how they can be involved.

If you haven't yet made the decision to partner with us, would you please pray and ask God if you are one of the 12-24 people that He would have join with us at this time to reach the 70% mark? We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just email us at Or, if you are ready to get started, you can let us know about your commitment by going to

If we meet our goal this summer, we are planning a 70's-theme bash upon our return to Atlanta to celebrate reaching 70%. Stephen may even do a little Saturday Night Fever to commemorate the occasion! Stay tuned for updates on our progress to the 70% mark!

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