Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Thankful Heart

In preparation for Thanksgiving, Laynie decided to make a list of the things she is most thankful for. I'm proud to say that for an 8-year-old, she has a pretty good grasp on what's important. It inspired me to be truly thankful for all the blessings God has given us.

Here is her list (with the original spellings).  

I give thanks for:

1. Love
2. Good family
3. A house and a roof
4. Frenids (friends)
5. Clean water
6. A mom and a dad
7. Food
8. Close (clothes)
9. Makeup


Aunt Sissy said...

I remember her list from an earlier Thanksgiving was: 1)Chicken, 2)Make-Up and 3)Toys. I love her heart and the way she loves all those around her. She can always make me smile too!

Brandy Verner said...

LOL! I think she was 3 or 4 when she made that first list. I noticed that make-up made it on the list again. I am also very thankful for makeup, especially as I get older... and older... and older...