Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Long Overdue Update

Have you ever been traveling and had to take a detour because the road was temporarily closed? That happened to us recently on a trip from Atlanta to Chicago. Because of a multi-car accident, we found ourselves driving off the beaten track, winding through unfamiliar territory as we followed the signs that would eventually lead us back to the interstate. It was a long detour, but we had the chance to see beautiful countryside that we would not have normally seen. Our destination had not changed because of the detour; we just got there by a different route.
That detour reminds me of the path the Lord has taken us on over the last year. Since last summer, we have been at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL working on our Master's degrees in Evangelism and Leadership. When we first felt God leading us to Wheaton, we thought that we would take a class here and there and work to finish our degrees over the next five years during furloughs. But what started as one summer class turned into full-time grad school and we have now completed 70% of our degrees.
When we started this journey of obedience to God's call to minister in Italy, we expected to follow a specified path that would get us there within a certain timeframe. However, God in His ultimate wisdom decided to take us on a detour from the route we expected. It has been long, as detours often are, and in many ways, it has been difficult. The terrain has been unfamiliar and there have been challenges along the way. Because of that, there have been times over the last year when we have wondered if we totally missed the boat. It is easy to doubt God when things don't happen as we think they should. When the unexpected occurs, we often assume that we must not have heard God clearly before.
Do you think Joseph felt the same way when he found himself at the bottom of a well about to be sold to slave traders? And what about later when he found himself in prison on false charges? God had given him a dream, but this was probably not how he had pictured everything playing out. However, it was only because of Joseph's supposed detour that he was in place for God to use him to interpret Pharoah's dream and save a civilization, as well as his family, from a horrible drought.
The challenges we have faced over the last year cannot even compare to the hardships Joseph endured, but through his story we are reminded that those things we see as detours are all part of God's plan for our journey. While we have often seen our time in Wheaton as a detour that was just delaying us from getting to Italy, it was always part of God's plan. He knew that we would need the knowledge and experience that we have gained here. Our destination has not changed just because the Lord brought us to Wheaton. God is still taking us to Italy and we are better prepared to minister there because of our time here.
Our studies at Wheaton are not totally done. We plan to take 4 classes in July and one more at the end of October and then we graduate in December! However, since the remainder of our classes are taught in intensives, it is not necessary for us to live near campus in the future. So, the next step for us is to move back to Georgia to finish raising our support. God has blessed us with a cozy, little rental home right outside Athens, where we will move on June 7. It is partially furnished, and the landlord offered a month-to-month lease, which was a huge answer to prayer. We feel like this will be our last stop as we enter the final leg of our journey to ministry in Italy. But, we trust God to lead us on the path He has laid out for our family - even if it includes more detours. :)
Would you please be in prayer with us over the next couple of weeks as we wrap up our time here in Illinois and transition back to Georgia? Below are some specific prayer requests. Thank you for praying and trusting God with us. We are looking forward to seeing many of you in the weeks to come!
Until All of Italy Hears,
Stephen and Brandy
Prayer Requests
  • Please pray for God's provision for our family, especially during this time of transition while we are looking for employment in GA. Pray that the Lord would provide jobs that will meet our family's needs while also allowing us time to raise support and finish grad school.
  • Laynie is having an especially hard time accepting the move back to GA. She has made many friends here and does not want to leave. Please pray that God will be her comfort and strength during this time. Also, pray that both Bryson and Laynie would make new friends as we settle into our new neighborhood.
  • We are in need of a vehicle to use during our remaining time in the States. Please pray that God would provide an affordable, reliable car for our family.
  • Lastly, please pray for God to bring in the remaining monthly support needed so that we can begin our visa process soon.

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