Thursday, June 28, 2012

Family Ties

We were so blessed during our roadtrip to see family that we hadn't seen in a really long time. My dad is from Texas and we have a lot of family there that I haven't seen in 25 years!

We stayed with my Great-Aunt Vivian in Frankston for several days and she spoiled us immensely with her hospitality and home cooking! On Sunday morning, we visited church with her and met tons of family that I didn't even know I had. After church, my dad's cousins and their families came over for a big pot-luck lunch so we could get reacquainted with everyone. We caught up on how everybody was doing, heard stories about my dad growing up, and answered lots of questions about the work God has called us to in Italy. It was such a sweet time of reconnecting!

Our family with Cousin Gail, Cousin Judy, and Aunt Vivian

After leaving Frankston, we headed towards Dallas where Stephen's Aunt Mildred and Uncle Max live. Bryson and Laynie had a blast playing in their pool while we adults chatted. We had a wonderful time learning about all Stephen's cousins who live in the Dallas area and hearing stories from their growing-up years.

Enjoying the pool

Stephen with Aunt Mildred and Uncle Max

We are so thankful for the chance during this trip to reconnect with family that lives far away. As we get closer to our time of departure, we are mindful that these opportunities will be fewer and father between, but it was nice to take advantage of the time that we had to strengthen our family ties!

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